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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Make Money with PLR Ebooks 9

Use PLR eBooks as Lead Generators in Newspaper Advertisements

If you’ve ever advertised in a print publication as a newspaper – and especially the classified ads – then you already know this sort of advertising is a two-step process. You see, there’s simply not enough room in a classified ad to sell a product, so you shouldn’t even try. Instead, your advertisement’s job is to get prospects to step forward and say, “I’m interested."

How do you do that?

Simple: by offering a compelling freebie such as a free report that’s highly relevant and interesting to your tightly focused niche market.

Of course you can send prospects to a website, where they enter their name and email address and instantly receive their free report. However, the traditional method also still works. Specifically, you can ask prospects to send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to you.

When you get these requests, all you have to do is send the free report back to the prospect in their SASE. Then you can add their names and addresses to your database so that you can send them postcards or other follow-up emails.

Note, of course, that your PLR report will also include links or advertisements for mail order products. As such, if you’re using good content that as relevant pitches woven into the report, you should make money on the backend whenever someone purchases a product you recommended in your report.

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